dinsdag 27 augustus 2013

UPDATE - I'm back!

Hi everyone,
So i was in London this week and it was so much fun! I bought a lot of nice things!! I went to H&M, ZARA and.. Primark! I love Primark and i bought a lot of cool things! Prepare for a lot of fashion articles :-). Anyway i'm really sorry for not posting any articles this week!! But it was really hard finding WIFI and time to put up a good article so i apologize for that. By the way i wonder if you guys can look at the poll on the right and vote because i really want to know what you guys want to read. I was also thinking about making videos on Youtube. It just seems better to me and it's a great way to get to know you guys. Just tell me what you think :-). Anyway that's basically it! Prepare for a lot of articles and maybe even videos! Remember: articles every SATURDAY and sometimes extra articles :-).

Have a nice day!

maandag 19 augustus 2013

UPDATE - I will be away for a week.

Hi everyone,
I'm going to London tomorrow so i can't really post a lot of articles. I'm really sorry for that! When i'm back i will post loads of articles :). Think about reviews, inner beauty posts, quotes.. By the way, maybe i will go to the Primark. I can totally show you guys what i bought if you guys want me to. Anyway, have a nice day and i will see you guys soon!

Inner beauty - Stay strong beautiful

Hi everyone,
So i really wanted to write an article for all the people who are going through or went through rough things. I want to give you guys some inspiration to carry on and stay strong. This article is for the girls who say that they're fine, but are actually dying inside.. The girls who smile but secretly cry themselves to sleep.. The girls who listen to sad music all day by themselves.. The girls who need a friend who could just listen to them en be there for them, but don't have one.. All the girls who are trying so hard to be strong.. All you girls out there remember that there is somebody who cares. There is somebody who loves you. There is somebody who would anything for you. Maybe there aren't 50 people, but at least there is one person. Remember it's better to have 1 person who loves you and would do anything for you than to have 100 people who just don't care. There is somebody out there and things will get easier. I promise that there is at least 1 person that cares... You are so incredibly strong & beautiful. You deserve so much more than what you are giving yourself. Don't hold it in. Just let is all out and i guarantee that you will feel better. Crying isn't wrong or stupid. Remember tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising. Just stay strong beautiful. Things will get better! It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever.

Quote Monday #4!

zaterdag 17 augustus 2013

Budget beauty products

Hi everyone,
So i know that a lot of beauty products are quite expensive.. So, i wanted to write an article about cheap and good beauty products :-). I really hope that you guys like it :).

- Eyeshadow: I love the Essence Quattro Eyeshadow Palette 04. This palette is so good! The colors are really good for school because there are 2 light shades and 2 brown shades in the palette. You can create a nice bronzy smokey eye with it and the palette is really not expensive! The Prize: € 2,99  EURO.

- Eyeshadow base: I use the Catrice Prime and Fine. It's a good eyeshadow base, but a little expensive for an eyeshadow base.. But it's worth it. The prize: €4,99

- Mascara: The Essence I Love Extreme Volume Mascara(black with pink letters) is a really good mascara! I really like it and it's not expensive at all! The Prize: €2,79

- Foundation: I love the NYC Skin matching foundation! There are the vitamins A, C & A in it and blends very nicely. It's a light to light/medium coverage and the foundation gives you a natural complexion. I especially recommend this to the teenage girls because it's not a lot of coverage. If you want more coverage i would skip this foundation. The prize: €4,99

- Powder: I use the Maybelline Fit Me Powder. I love this powder! It gives a natural coverage and it's a matte finish. I especially recommend this powder if you have oily/shiny skin. This powder really helps! The downside is that the powder is a little expensive but trust me.. It's worth the prize.The Prize: €13,99

- BB cream: I love the Maybelline Dream Fresh BB cream. It comes in several shades, it gives a good coverage & it stays on the whole day especially with some powder. I highly recommend this BB cream! The prize: 9,99

- Liquid eyeliner: I  like the HEMA Eyeliner. I think that you only can buy this in the Netherlands so if you're not from the Netherlands, i'm sorry! Anyways, it's a nice eyeliner. It's a little bit hard with filling in the line, but for the rest it's okay. 
The prize: the price varies from 2 to 3 euros

- Lipstick/lip gloss: I don't really use lipstick of lip gloss but if i do i use a lot of products from Essence or NYC. They have some really nice lip glosses and lipsticks! The prize: varies.

- Lipliner: I love the NYC lipliners! They are not expensive at all and there are a lot of shades! The prize: €1,00

- Make up remover: I really like the brand Demak'up. They have a lot of cleansing wipes and eyepads. Even for the sensitive and dry skin! The prize: The prize varies from  2 to  7

woensdag 14 augustus 2013

Fashion - Basic fashion musthaves!

Hi everyone,
So today my article is about basic fashion musthaves :-). I'm not telling you that you need these things to look nice, but it's just very handy if you have certain fashion items so that you can combine other fashion items with it :).

Basic fashion musthaves:
- The little black dress! You can pretty much buy little black dresses everywhere. Think about H&M, Zara..
- A (fake) leather jacket
- A black blazer.
- A black T-shirt & a white T-shirt.
- A black shirt & a white shirt.
- A (white) blouse.
- A cardigan
- A denim vest
- A black singlet & a white singlet
- The classic black pants.
- 2 pairs of jeans.
- Leggings
- Jeggings
- Black flats
- Black heels
- Black boots
- A black purse
- A black skirt.

Okay, so that's basically it :-). If you have these items you can create perfect looks! I hope you guys liked this article :-)
Sources: Google

zondag 11 augustus 2013

My favorite beauty videos on youtube!

Hi everyone,
Since i watch a lot of beauty videos i wanted to share with you my favorite beauty videos! :-)

My favorite beauty videos:

1. The french braid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujS0VNOXeVg
2. The waterfall braid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWD6S0inGoc
3. Straight hair with no heat!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1RO-d1Z9Hs
4. How to use eyeliner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc0vliuLm28
5. How to - Fishtail braid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyZkowmdZv8
6. How to wash & style curly hair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIf5MRTwi48
7. How to get Long hair : http://www.youtube.com/watchv=CxwTaFnWV3o
8. Back to school beauty http://www.youtube.com/watch v=zm48WoRs0hA
9. How to walk in heels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfN1Ks_4dig
10. Back to school hairstyles!: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=9WNzSYS3lKw

I hope you guys enjoy the videos! I personally loved them and the videos really helped me out lol :-)

zaterdag 10 augustus 2013

Hair - How to do the waterfall braid!

Hi guys,
One of my favorite braids is the waterfall braid! It's so beautiful and especially fun for school! So.. This time i'm going to teach how to do the waterfall braid.

What you'll need:
- A brush/comb.
- Bobby pins
- Hair(obviously.. lol)

1. Comb your hair and make sure that you don't have any tangles.

2. Grab a small piece of hair and divide into 3 sections.

3. French braid for 2-3 inches. Take your three sections so that two strands are held in one hand, and the third strand is held in your opposite hand. Create a few rows of a regular braid by taking the strand on the right and crossing it over the center. Then take the strand from the left and cross it over the center.

4. After you’ve French braided for a few inches, drop the top section of your braid

5. Pick up a new section of hair from directly behind where you’ve dropped the top piece. This new piece acts as a new section of your French braid

6. Keep moving around the head. Remember, every time you grab a section of hair from the top of your head to add to the braid, let is drop and replace it with a new section.

7. Secure with bobby pins.

You're done!

If you still don't get it then look at the picture below or watch this video by Meghan Rosette: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWD6S0inGoc
The tutorial starts at 2.34 :-).

Short and easy explanation with a picture:
Sources: Google 

vrijdag 9 augustus 2013

Update - Articles on every saturday!

Hi everyone,
So i decided that i'm going to put up an article on this blog every saturday so that you guys know when there's an article online. I will also just post some other extra articles on other days, but when i really don't have time i will only put up an article on saturday :-). So that was basically what i wanted to say.. :)

Bye and stay tuned for the article on saturday! It's going to be a fun article :).

donderdag 8 augustus 2013

Beautytips - How to be a natural beauty

You definitely don't need a bunch of make up to be beautiful. This time i'm going to give you guys some tips on how to be a natural beauty! :-)

1. Eat healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables because there are a lot of vitamins in fruits and vegetables. Don't eat as many junk food. You still can eat junk food, but don't eat a lot of it.

2. Drink water. They say that you need to drink at least 7-8 cups of water a day! Water is very good for your hair and body. So drink a lot of water :-).

3. Exercise. Exercising can make you look better and even feel better! Try to exercise more often because exercising is also good for your health.

4. Sleep enough! Sleep is very important because if you don't sleep enough you can get puffy eyes and dark eye circles! Make sure that you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

5. Moisturize your skin. This is also very important. Moisturizing your skin can make your skin look more fresh and soft! If you suffer from acne it's very important to moisturize.

6. Protect your skin from the sun. Use at least SPF 15. You need to protect your skin from the sun even if your skin is tan or dark. You can even get wrinkles if you don't protect your skin from the sun!

7. Don't use too much make up. Try to skip foundation.. Use instead..: BB cream. This is good for your skin and gives a light coverage. Remember girls: less is more.

8. Be confident. If you love yourself other people will also love you! :-)

9. Don't stress! Stress can have a negative effect on your skin and body. Try to don't be that stressed. Don't worry that much and be happy!

10. Be a good person. Be kind to others, help others and treat others as you would want them to treat you..
Beauty isn't only on the outside but also on the inside!

11. Be your own kind of beautiful. Be unique, be different. You don't have to look the same, dress the same or act the same as others. You were born to be different. Remember: what makes you different makes you beautiful.

12. Last, but not least.. Smile! Scientists say that smiling can instantly make your mood better! So rock your gorgeous smile! :-)

woensdag 7 augustus 2013

Inner beauty - How to be happy

Happiness.. Something that's very important in life. But how can you be happy if you aren't happy? I'm going to give you guys some tips on how to be happy! :-)

1. Be optimistic. Don't just look at the bad things, look at the good things! There are a lot of good things in life so don't just focus on the bad things! Okay, i understand that you can't always be happy. But even if bad things happen, look at the bright side of it! Okay so for example: your boyfriend broke up with you.. I understand that's not fun, but now you have a chance to meet somebody else. Maybe someone who is even nicer than your previous boyfriend. Remember that there's a prince charming for every girl! You just have to find him :-)

2. Accept things. There will always be bad things. That's just life. You have to accept the bad things. Bad things happen to everyone! You are not the only one!! Please remember that you can't just waste your whole life thinking about something bad that happened to you. Life is way to short for that! Accept the bad things and move on.

3. Follow your heart. Do what YOU want. Do what YOU like. Don't do what others want you to. It's your life not theirs! Just follow your heart, but also make sure that you take your brain with you :-)

4. Count your blessings. Everyone has blessings in their life. Even if you don't have 'big' blessings, focus on the little once because one day you may look back and realize that they were the biggest.

5. Remember that you are your biggest critic. I see a lot of girls just hating themselves and pointing at every 'flaw' of them. Understand that other people most of the times don't even notice your 'flaws'.. Realize that everyone has their flaws. Everyone! That's why there is photoshop and plastic surgery. If other people were perfect, these things wouldn't even exist. Just rock your flaws! They make you unique, they make you YOU! Life is too short to constantly think about your flaws!

6. Leave the people who put you down or don't give them any attention. People bring others down because they want attention, they are jealous, they think it's 'funny' or they want to be popular. If people bully, it just shows how desperate they are. Just don't give them any attention. Instead of focusing on people who bring you down, focus on people who make you happy!

7. Don't look for perfection. There is no perfection. Like i said: if people were perfect there wouldn't be photoshop or plastic surgery. Everyone is different, everyone is unique. Don't waste your entire live looking for perfection because there is no perfection.

8. SMILE! Scientists say that smiling makes your mood better! So rock your beautiful smile!

dinsdag 6 augustus 2013

How to take nice pictures!

1. Make sure that you have a good quality camera. A canon camera works really well. If your phone has a good camera, you can totally use your phone. Just make sure that the quality is good.

2. Good lighting. Make sure that you have good lighting. If you want you can take pictures behind a window for some natural lighting :-). You can also buy some studio lamps for perfect lighting, but taking pictures behind a window works as good.

3. Effects. There are some good websites with nice effects like: ipiccy, picmonkey, fotoflexer.. 

4. Edit your pictures. You can edit your pictures with a lot of websites like ipiccy, befunny, fotoflexer... You can play with light & shadows, you can cover acne, you can make yourself look tanner.. You can basically edit everything. Just make sure that you don't over-edit. You want it to look natural, not fake.

I hope i helped you guys. Have fun with taking pictures! :-)

DIY - How to dye your hair with chalk pastels!

Hi everyone,
Do you want to try out a new crazy hair color but don't damage your hair with bleach? Then this is a good article for you! This time i'm going to explain you guys how to temporarily dye your hair with chalk pastels!

What you'll need:
- Regular chalk pastels
- Gloves
- A towel
- Hair(obviously, haha☺)

1. Buy some chalk pastels. You can pretty much buy chalk pastels everywhere(Michaels, Target, Walmart.. You can even order chalk pastels online.)
2. But a towel under your hair.
3. Make your hair wet
4. Put your gloves on.
5. Now rub the chalk pastel on your hair. You can use whatever color you like.
6. Let your hair dry for a while.
7. Make sure that your hair is completely dry. If so, take a brush that you don't really care about and brush your hair.
8. Now you can curl or straighten your hair if you like.
9. You can do some highlights, dip dye or even dye your whole hair with it if you like :-)

- It will fade away when you wash it so don't worry if it's not immediately gone :-)
- Use REGULAR chalk pastels don't use oil chalk pastels.
- Use gloves! If you don't use gloves your hands are going to be another color either..

maandag 5 augustus 2013

Back to school - Advice for high school!

Hi everyone,
I know that a lot of people are going to high school this year, so that's why I want to tell you guys my advice!

1. Stay yourself. This is very important. Don't change yourself just because you want to please someone. You have to stay yourself because it's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not. People are going to find out if you're going to act extremly different. If you're going to act like someone you're not, you are going to give up. Maybe not soon, but later. Trust me, it's better to be yourself.

2. Do your homework! That was very hard for me, haha :-). But seriously. do your homework. It's a lot easier if you understand what the teacher is talking about. It's also a lot easier with tests, finals and exams because you already know something about it. I never did my homework when I first went to high school. Just do your homework because it's the best you can do.

3. Make friends. Especially if you don't know anyone. Just say hi to someone who seems nice. Don't shy away. High school is a lot easier with friends :-)

4. Have fun. Remember that school isn't only about learning. Just have fun! They say that your high school years are the best of your life! So use them wisely haha :-).

5. If you are getting bullied remember that people only bully for 3 reasons: they think it's 'funny', they want to be popular or they are jealous. It's NEVER your fault, it's theirs. Just keep your head up and focus on other things like your hobbies or school. Remember that you're not always going to stay with the people who bully you. In 6/5/4 or maybe even 3 years(if you graduate early) you're done with high school! Stay strong and keep your head up!

Update - I'm going to blog in English!

Hi everyone,
From now on i'm going to blog in English! I'm getting a lot of visitors from all over the world. That's why i want to blog in English and also because Google Translate isn't always working that well :-). Please bear with my because my English isn't the best haha. Oh and by the way I wonder if you guys can tell me what you want to see next time..? For example: a review, something about inner-beauty, a DIY..? Please tell me!
If you guys want i can still blog in Dutch once in a week or once in a month? Tell me what you think..?
Thanks for reading this!
Bye :-)

Dutch translate:
Hoi allemaal,
Vanaf nu ga ik bloggen in Engels! Ik krijg namelijk ook bezoekers over de hele wereld. Daarom wil ik dus bloggen in Engels en ook omdat Google Translate soms het niet zo goed doet. Mijn Engels is niet het best dus verwacht er niet teveel van, haha. Trouwens ik vraag me af wat jullie de volgende keer als artikel willen zien? Bijvoorbeeld een review, iets over inner-beauty, een DIY..? Oh en als jullie nog willen kan ik nog steeds in het Nederlands bloggen.. Bijvoorbeeld een keer per week of een keer per maand. Vertel me wat je hier van vindt :)

Bedankt voor het lezen!
Dag :-)

Quote Monday #2!

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