donderdag 8 augustus 2013

Beautytips - How to be a natural beauty

You definitely don't need a bunch of make up to be beautiful. This time i'm going to give you guys some tips on how to be a natural beauty! :-)

1. Eat healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables because there are a lot of vitamins in fruits and vegetables. Don't eat as many junk food. You still can eat junk food, but don't eat a lot of it.

2. Drink water. They say that you need to drink at least 7-8 cups of water a day! Water is very good for your hair and body. So drink a lot of water :-).

3. Exercise. Exercising can make you look better and even feel better! Try to exercise more often because exercising is also good for your health.

4. Sleep enough! Sleep is very important because if you don't sleep enough you can get puffy eyes and dark eye circles! Make sure that you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

5. Moisturize your skin. This is also very important. Moisturizing your skin can make your skin look more fresh and soft! If you suffer from acne it's very important to moisturize.

6. Protect your skin from the sun. Use at least SPF 15. You need to protect your skin from the sun even if your skin is tan or dark. You can even get wrinkles if you don't protect your skin from the sun!

7. Don't use too much make up. Try to skip foundation.. Use instead..: BB cream. This is good for your skin and gives a light coverage. Remember girls: less is more.

8. Be confident. If you love yourself other people will also love you! :-)

9. Don't stress! Stress can have a negative effect on your skin and body. Try to don't be that stressed. Don't worry that much and be happy!

10. Be a good person. Be kind to others, help others and treat others as you would want them to treat you..
Beauty isn't only on the outside but also on the inside!

11. Be your own kind of beautiful. Be unique, be different. You don't have to look the same, dress the same or act the same as others. You were born to be different. Remember: what makes you different makes you beautiful.

12. Last, but not least.. Smile! Scientists say that smiling can instantly make your mood better! So rock your gorgeous smile! :-)

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